Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pillow Talk

to: Agent K

re: Blog traffic

Darling, since you are the only person who reads/comments on/knows about my blog, It appears as if this has become a forum wherein we can observe facets of our personalities and publish our pathos in a medium suitable for introspection!

to: Dick Daring

re: your Blog

Honey- I'm sorry you don't have any traffic on your Blog, I'm sure no-one knows where to find it, or that you are even in the Blogosphere. Try and get some sleep, I'm sure you will be inspired to blog something wonderful to-morrow.

to: Agent K

re: wonderful blog

YOU have a wonderful blog, I have a under represented, apparently dis interesting personal perspective piece that serves only to poke irritating pinholes in my ego. The only bright spot is your feedback and the encouragement it gives me.

to: Dick Daring

re: Encouragement

Let me encourage you to stop over thinking this. In fact let me encourage you not to think about it at all! This correspondence is getting tiresome and I don't feel like listening to you whine anymore!

to:Agent K


I wouldn't have to whine if I could whip out a witty entertaining stream-of-consciousness piece of prose that captured the imagination of readers all across the world who tuned in and shared in a forum of co-dependent anonymity!

to: Dick Daring

re: Stream of Consciousness

Don't you have to go to work tomorrow? Maybe you should go to sleep.

to: Agent K

re: Work

Your right! I just need to work on my delivery! If I polish my thoughts, and break out my thesaurus and provide the reader with something refreshing, then they will seek out MY Blog and I will feel as if my efforts are appreciated! I'll start to-morrow, call in sick no-QUIT MY JOB ! Then I can have full time access to your blogging prowess! Yes- it will be a wonderful example to the children, why just yesterday was I not telling Headstrong Boy that " Your best effort requires total concentration"? I am Inspired! thank you Darling, for saving me from the depths of despair-and a lifetime of drudgery,plugging away at a stable,well paid,uninspiring job! I could go on and on.....

to: Dick Daring



to:Agent K


Honey? Sweety are you awake?


Alexis said...

So NOW we know what you worry about when you can't sleep at night!

Katie said...

Har. Har. YOU are so funny. And yet...not, hehe!

I Love you!

Misty said...

personally I think your blog is pretty fantastic. Guys are different than girls and it's refreshing, in my Reader of cackling women, to have a guy blog.

Honestly though, if you want to find guy readers who might read your blog- go to Cre8buzz. They have a men's section and there are some pretty great guy bloggers on there.

p.s. my husband reads your blog, and he won't even read mine. So there.
p.p.s. you will have to be sure to point out to him that the very fact you do blog, (and read your wife's, AND talk to your wife about blogging) are all wonderful husband qualities and he should take notes...
p.p.p.s. perhaps you could consider a weekly tutorial on how (and why) husbands should become part of the blogging community.

startastical said...

So, at least you have time to blog at all! I seem to have lost all track of time over the last couple of weeks. So that confirms it. Your brain never shuts off! You do talk in your sleep.

Miri said...

I'm a leetle disturbed by the pillow talk involving blogs. But I like your blog alright.

You, Dick Danger, are funny. You are even funn-eh.