Special Agent Dick Daring reporting in--
Ok Citizens, Listen up!
Having delved into the unrestricted confines (yes Mrs. O'Fallon; that is an oxymoron) of the Blogosphere, I have a clear, vivid picture of what this Blog can be...
Smart, witty and articulate. (Any resemblance to racist innuendo is incidental and anyway I didn't claim it was 'clean').
Properly composed, spelled and punctuated. (Thanks again, Mrs O'Fallon)
Chock full 'o' irony, Penny ante wisdom and other semi solid misconceptions.
Drawn from the inexhaustible well of things that interest ME! That's right Citizens, no more pandering to the masses, no more blogosphereical pretense, this forum will contain..... well, um... content.
Being new to the phenomena, I undertook blogging as an exercise in prosaic voyeurism, and to that end I have posted a handful of offerings so that I could stretch the creative part in me that strives to communicate well, and hoping others would appreciate my contributions.
Truly, the Lure of Comments is seductive, and I fear I became too easily ensnared by the siren call of dialogue. Heady stuff, indeed, to have peers and even strangers read your words and offer their own in return!
However, I look back at my Blog, and I find one post, the post that most aptly aligns with my values and aspirations, languishing in obscurity!
None but my dearest friend thought it worthy of note; and her with a glaring and admitted bias!
So with no more pontification, I resolve to dedicate this Blog the pursuit of intellectual honesty and liberty, mulling over the human condition and its accouterments.
Here, is a sample----
I recently had a discussion with my good friend, the En-Gen-Er, about the institution of capitalism. My point was to question the long term sustainability of our culture. The En-Gen-Er was atypically blunt in his response, like what else works?
Answer: Nothing I know of!
Can friends speak of such matters and remain long tethered by their friendship?
Can my dear sister tolerate my questioning the Governments ability to trample liberty, even if the goal is to protect children?
For me- I will question everything,and in turn be questioned by all. My opinions must stand the scrutiny of contrary opinion before they can be held in confidence.
"I have sworn on the Altar of God, Eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the minds of man." Thomas Jefferson
Being Unabridged
8 years ago
I would expect nothing else from you.
DD, this is your best post yet. You should absolutely be yourself on this blog. And to quote my husband, "what else works?"
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