Saturday, March 5, 2011

Where have you been?????

Gone, baby gone. Off the Net, the grid, hunkered down in the TOP SECRET SECURE LOCATION.

truly. Who Knew that the internet bill had to be payed every, single month? And they get grumpy and shut you down if you dont. So remember boys and girls, if you cant live without it ( whatever it is) and you want your girl (who blogs) to be happy (and blog) pay up and keep it up!

Since everyone wants a good laugh, and making you laugh is important to me, lets start this off right......

oh yeah, insert funny stuff here, i dont have any. better luck next time


Katie said...

Always my Knight in Shiney Armor! Thanks for getting me and my blog back together again.

CaraDD said...

Woot. That is all. :P